Fed & Fit Turkey Sweet Potato Casserole

In some ways, things have calmed down. About two months ago, I started teleworking two days a week instead of one, and it has made a huge difference and just given me some extra breathing room in my week. But at the same time, work has started ramping up, Dan and I have both been traveling more, and life has just felt busier. So – posts are rare.

I’ve also been dealing with some minor (fingers crossed) injuries, which I find so frustrating and generally contribute to a lack of motivation. I mentioned my back pain in my last post. I continued to take it easy and slowly ramped back up. Just this past week did I feel like I was 100% pain-free, back to the weights I’d been using previously, and even trying to increase weight. It’s pretty amazing. A part of me thought I was ruined for life. But then I wasn’t. But then… yesterday I landed on my foot a little funny during a double under and it felt like my knee cracked. The pain wasn’t super intense, and I shook it out, and finished the workout, but it hurt the rest of the day and it feels really unstable. 50% of me thinks that I’m totally overreacting just because I’m so afraid of injury and that it’s probably no big deal, but 50% of me is worried it is a bigger deal. It still hurts and feels unstable, but it never really swelled. I’m taking it easy. I was supposed to do a 9-mile training trail run this weekend, but now I won’t unless I magically feel amazing tomorrow morning. Which is too bad, because it’s been really cold on all my runs but is in the 70s this weekend!! I just want to be outside walking, biking, and running. Gah. I have an appointment with my PCP on Tuesday for in case it’s still bothering me…

In other news, I finished the 28-day Fed & Fit Project, so I probably won’t be making as many of those recipes. But I definitely recommend the book and its recipes! They’re easy to follow, easy to make, and most of them freeze really well. I’m still eating leftovers of this one – the Turkey Sweet Potato Casserole – I made several weeks ago.

I’m not going to copy the recipe here, of course. Buy the book! But it has both turkey and sausage in it. I couldn’t find a bone-in turkey breast, so I just used ground turkey breast (2 lbs instead of a 4-lb bone-in). At first, I thought it made way more than one dish could handle, so I started layering the casseroles in three dishes. But once I started putting the sweet potato mash on top, I realized I didn’t have that much, so I consolidated to two dishes. The sunflower seeds on top were a nice touch, and made it so that my husband had absolutely no interest in eating this (he has a very strong aversion to seeds that is somewhat neurotic). All mine! Yum.