Baked Cinnamon Apple Chips

We’ve gotten a lot of apples recently, from our CSA (Jones Family Farm), from the farmer’s market (JFX), and from another fruit and vegetable delivery (South Mountain Creamery). Some were about to go bad, so a recipe in Laura Ligos’s Clean Eating cookbook for baked cinnamon apple chips caught my eye. I had several hours to myself this morning while Gabriel and Dan went to jiujitsu, so I tried it out. It made the house smell delicious while they baked for two hours, they were super easy, and they taste yummy. The only downside is that four apples become many fewer apple chips than it seems they ought to.

In other news, I’ve been trying to embrace the holiday season. It was 70 degrees in Baltimore until about a week before Thanksgiving, so it was hard to get into it before that. We spent Thanksgiving in Michigan with my mom’s side of the family, and Gabriel got to hang out with his new cousin (my sister’s daughter) and his second cousins (closer to his age). We went to get a tree at Jones Family Tree Farm (same as our CSA) the Saturday after Thanksgiving and finished decorating the house that weekend. Today, we biked to the Inner Harbor to see the Christmas market and ride the ferris wheel. Tonight is the parade of lighted boats in the Harbor, so we’ll go with neighbors to Under Armour to watch them. I love doing all the events.